Our Sponsorship Opportunities

The Friday Lunch Club is a unique networking group bringing business leaders and founders together to connect with like-minded individuals in a natural and enjoyable setting in their local area. Unlike networking events held in city centres, we offer a refreshing change of pace with events held in the Northern Beaches, North Shore, and Melbourne suburbs. Our aim is to help establish relationships through network of networks that can help make a positive difference, as well as stimulate thought leadership through influential speakers, topics, and members. 

Our Events

Events are held a minimum of three times a year in the Northern Beaches and North Shore, and twice a year in Melbourne.

Interest has been shown for extending The Friday Lunch Club into other communities and we intend to launch in  two new areas in 2024.

The events are invite only, with past attendees being able to recommend someone to join the group. As this is an intimate event and not a hard sales environment, we keep the events to between 20 and 50 people attending each one.

Our events are held in restaurants or pubs with a closed off space and reputation for good quality food. The tone of the events is authentic, relaxed, vibey, business casual, quality yet not fussy or stiff. And beyond all else friendly and at ease. The ticket cost is between $100 and $150 per ticket.

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The Format of the Event:

  • Attendee funded two course lunch, including two drinks
  • Guest speaker – showcasing their career or area of expertise
  • Networking – never sit next to the same person twice
  • Table gift for each person
  • Lucky Door prize
  • Post event connection via email sharing of LinkedIn Profiles

Our Executive Team

Jules Dormand: Founder

Julie Dormand has been at the forefront of shaping company growth across the advertising and marketing industry for over three decades. Her leadership journey includes steering MercerBell, a leading CX Agency, through acquisition, buy-out, and strategic mergers and as Managing Director at The Works, Part of Capgemini.  Julie is driven by a profound passion for creating human connections that unlock the potential of individuals, teams, and businesses alike.

Her contributions to the industry have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by the prestigious AC&E Jon Clark Outstanding Contribution Award and the Mumbrella Industry Leader of the Year 2019 accolades. In 2023, she was a finalist in the ‘Executive Leader’ and ‘Glass Ceiling’ categories at the B&T Women in Media Awards. At present, Julie serves as the Chair of the Advisory Board for Ellipsis Loyalty, is a tutor for the Advertising Council Australia and is a mentor for Mentor Walks.

Julie is the founder of The Friday Lunch Club. With a unique blend of business acumen and an empathetic nature, Julie champions the principles of Daring Leadership, emphasizing the value of human connections, and bringing a sense of fun and excitement to everything she does. 

Renee Kraus: Partner

Renee’s career breadth as a strategic marketer in professional services spanning multiple industries, has fuelled her belief that we’re more similar than we are different.

Renee’s passionate about applying universal ‘must haves’ that drive performance, resulting in her ability to deliver transformational change across some of the most successful global and local brands including Westpac, Citibank, Telstra, Optus, and Bupa. She currently works as Director of Marketing for the Sonova Group.

Some Past Speakers

We pride ourselves in providing inspiring speakers who have a five-star career, are awarded in their profession and have deep levels of expertise for the guests to learn from and engage with. The format is an interview style with Jules or Renee opening the questions and passing to the audience for more.

What They're Saying

Our Members

Our current database includes the following active subscribers. Please click each button below to download corresponding data base as Pdf. Name, title, email address captured.

The events tend to have one third new, first-time attendees, one third attending second event and a third who attend most events, showing a highly engaged community. They are currently emailed an invite and order their ticket through Eventbrite. 

Details of the event is posted on our social media pages and follow up emails will be used to maximise connection and to communicate sponsor details. We intend to grow our LinkedIn page and presence. However, as this is invite only we do not implement promotional activity, keeping an exclusive feel.

Northern Beaches

Northern Beaches branch launched in 2020 and currently has 114 members as of February 2024

North Shore

North Shore branch launched in 2021 and currently has 58 members as of February 2024


Melbourne branch launched in 2022 and currently has 142 members as of February 2024.

Become a Sponsor

As we enter our third year we are looking for a business sponsor/s for The Friday Lunch Club to allow us to grow into more areas and more events. It will also allow us to secure venues and make a charitable donation, to a local charity, of 10% per ticket.

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Benefits of Becoming a Sponsor

Partnerships are a cost-effective opportunity to market to a targeted segment. However, accessing the right people, especially high-value customers can be challenging. Our member list is an accumulation of contacts who we have built respected and trusted connections with throughout our careers, making this a strong community of relationships and a rare opportunity to tap into.

The Friday Lunch Club networking events provide a sponsor with many valuable opportunities:

  • A seat at the table amongst high value business leaders and founders
  • Promote your brand through table gifts, signage, emails and website presence
  • Speaking opportunity – either to promote your company (5 mins each event) and a potential speaking spot for someone in your business who meets speaking criteria
  • Demonstrate your brands connection to the local area

Sponsorship Package Options:

Single Event

$ 2,500 One event
  • Naming rights
  • Brand promoted
  • Media release mentions

Sponsor an Area

$ 5,000 Per area, per year
  • Exclusive rights one year
  • Media releases
  • Brand promoted

All Evenets / All Areas

$ 15,000 All events, all areas 1 year
  • Exclusive rights all areas
  • Exclusive rights all events
  • Media releases

The Friday Lunch Club

Package Inclusions

  • Naming rights at the event, and inclusion of your logo on invites and communications.
  • 5 min sponsor business speaker by one of your executives is included in the price. For an additional fee of $1,000 we can consider a speaker from your organisation being the main focus of the event – should the profile match and the topic be career or expertise focused rather than promotion of the sponsoring company.
  • Promotion on The Friday Lunch Club assets: This includes the website, LinkedIn page and emails.
  • Thought leadership piece by a company senior leader. This would be showcased on our blog and sent to database via email. This would be a piece that focuses on areas LinkedIn to brand offering of The Friday Lunch Club ie creating connections and growing business.
  • Media Releases Sponsors will be mentioned in any media releases that The Friday Lunch Club does.
  • Attendance at the event for one of your executives who match the profile and live in the local area
  • Membership: Ability to add 2 senior execs to each event (regardless if you sponsor the area or event) on condition that they do not overtly sell.
  • The Table gift this will be from the sponsor and can either be your products, or a product that is related to your industry and relevant to the guests. The sponsor is able to also add a flyer to each person’s seat promoting their business and an offer.

Other Sponsorship Options:

Product Sampling and | Or Lucky Door prize.

Ability to have your product gifted to the attendees at the event, with a flyer and offer:

$500 plus the cost of your product or gift

Get in Touch

We would be open to other promotional ideas that fit within the brand and tone of The Friday Lunch Club.  

Julie Dormand

Founder: The Friday Lunch Club

email: jules@dormand.com.au

Mobile: 0414 519 710

Renee Kraus

Partner: The Friday Lunch Club

email: reneekraus1@gmail.com

Mobile: 0432 889 449

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